Friday, November 30, 2018

The Weather

Today I am thankful for the pretty weather we have been having.  However, it is supposed to change today.  Hopefully, it won't be too bad.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Today I am thankful for grandchildren.  They make me smile.  They cuddle and giggle and I can give them back!  It is a win win situation!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018

Today I am grateful for internet shopping.  I know that sounds odd because it is so -- well -- not necessarily something to be thankful for but I am.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

November 24, 2018

Today I am thankful that my kids returned safely from their vacation.  I am also thankful for our good weather.

Friday, November 23, 2018

November 23, 2018

I haven't been here for a long time, somehow this blog just slipped through my mind and that is a shame because it is a good thing to be humble and remember all the things that are truly blessings in our day, big and small, monumental and insignificant. 

Five years ago I was diagnosed with cancer, went through surgery and treatment and here I am, on the other side feeling good and doing well.  I remember a lot of things about that time but what I remember most is the overwhelming gratitude I felt.  There are really no words to express it, I don't know how but it is a feeling of being so grateful for everything -- doctors, medicine, friends, church, clergy, the birds in the sky, the sun, the moon --- just absolutely everything.  It truly brought me to my knees and bowed my head and the words to express my gratitude weren't something I could verbalize but they were in my heart and now, while the cancer is gone and I am back to my old self the one thing that remains is that feeling of gratitude. 

The reason that I started this blog long ago was to try to express that gratitude.  As usual, life got in the way and the blog just sort of was forgotten.  However, today I was reminded by a good friend that keeping a journal of blessings and things to be grateful for is a good thing so I decided to revisit this site.  I will keep a regular,  handwritten journal as well but maybe, if anybody reads this, it could be an inspiration to them as well so I will do my best to keep this blog going.  How hard could it be?  There is always something to be grateful for, truly there is, even in troubled times. 

So, beginning today, in this way, I am thankful for Mary.  Mary is a friend I have never really met but one that I feel I would get on well with if we ever did.  Mary and I are like minded, we like the same things and have generally the same view of life.  Being a lady of the cloth, it has been quite natural for me to take important matters to her for insight and she always has something to say that helps.  I am thankful for that.  I feel blessed to have Mary in my life.